
I was trying to get a photo of the fabric hanging outside The Wardrobe, blowing in the slight breeze, and was taking some shots when this woman happened to walk by just as I clicked.  I liked how her jacket echoed the pinks in the fabric.
Rain!  We finally got some this morning, not nearly enough, but we'll take it! The temperature has dropped.  I had a lovely refreshing walk down Burgoyne.  My intention was a fitness walk, but I got distracted by the blackberries along the road and enjoyed a few so much that I went back to the car for a bag.  I was planning to make a fig clafoutis and thought the addition of a few blackberries would be a nice touch - and I ended up picking more than enough.  Blackberries with vanilla gelato - YUM!  Not tonight because the clafoutis is made, but maybe tomorrow....
Extras: a raindrop; the clafoutis

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