
By skillyjeff

Roach Road

We visited my sister in the Crystal Brook region today and while we were driving around we listened to my new CD by Australian musician Archie Roach. On the way home while I was thinking about his song Old Mission Road we drove past this side road - Roach Road. I had to take a photo. Archie (I feel like I know him) was one of the Stolen Generation. Like thousands of other indigenous children he was forcibly removed from his parents by the authorities for no reason other than his race. This utterly misguided policy created vast suffering. If you are interested in his story you can read it here.

In the song Old Mission Road (go to 15.55 mins here) Archie Roach sings about the parents he can't remember. It has touched something deep in me. More than before I understand the suffering of all those people. If you liked that try his early song Took The Children Away.

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