In Dolly’s Chair

We woke up to a warm and rather sunny morning at the summer house. Mum had more mowing to do, but first we chillaxed a bit on the veranda, me in Dolly’s favourite chair. I stayed there and caught up on my snoozing while mum went off to get the lawn mower out of its shed. Good job she didn’t wait any longer, because ten minutes after she finished mowing, rain started to fall. We packed our stuff and headed back to the city.

Today was - drumroll - Friday! Before the stupid diet, that meant pizza night! Or, sometimes, sushi night. During the diet not so much. But - the diet is now Officially Over, even though mum says she needs to be careful still. But today was my lucky day because she decided we both needed real takeout pizza! Yay!! I got plenty! It was SO tasty.

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