I didn't do much today that was needed around the house- went to church , exercised, stopped at the grocery store. But the plants I bought to finish ( for now) the hill are't planted. I only got one load of  shirts in before the washer was taken over by the son, and didn't get it ironed. I did help shred part of a tree that Glenn is taking down because it is blocking the apple in the front. It was pretty hot so we spent 20 min in the pool after that. Why such a short time ? The pool temp is abut 79 degrees F , a little on the cool side.I also picked cucumbers and got bitten by mosquitoes.And I baked a cake , made the icing and filling and it's all waiting to be put together in the AM before work. And it[s 1145 and I need to go to sleep. Sorry I am rambling aren't I.
 Anyway - spent 5 min with the camera today - here's the best photo.

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