Last full day in US

The morning started in Starbucks for coffee and cake. It was beautiful in town as they are getting ready for their Thanks Giving and Christmas holidays. In the main street they have snow machines up d everwyone will be ex.periencing this in a weeks time. Shame I will miss it. This photo is a picture of the . tree in Celebration.

Tonight we went to The Cheesecake Factory for a meal and of course cheesecake, it was a lovely meal and we brought the cheesecake home. and I will have fir breakfast, to full to enjoy now after having fish and chips.

My cases are packed and I am very tight for weight, might have to leave some unimportant bits. As highly likely I will be back.

So a mixed bag of emotions today with leaving tomorrow and also would have been my dads 78th birthday today. Just want to click my fingers and be in UK without hung to do airport bit now.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all that have visited my journal through my adventure. You have all been a great support. We will have to arrange to meet up quick as I could almost be bouicing in the UK and coming back.

Hope you have a great weekend, whilst little old me is travelling.

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