Familiar Territory

My computer arrived home last night, with operating system upgraded and more memory added.

If I write this quickly it will seem as though this no big deal. Don't you believe it- all is different.
It is like finding my way round a strange town far from home without a map.

There is nothing so mesmerising as some geek shifting a mouse around while you try to see where it's going and listen to an outpouring of computer talk at the same time.
Squinting eyes and a scrambled brain were the end products after the Mac man left.

I can see why his Lordship was sleepless the other night while his brain was in a constant spin.
All my familiar actions with photos and emails are just different enough to cause temporary panic.

The worst thing is the seeming loss of my gmail contact list. His Lordship who was similarly afflicted, has found his list on Yahoo but mine must be floating somewhere on the ether. There could be a reward for anyone finding it.

With all this strangeness on the computing front, it was a relief to find the Meadows* in their rightful place outside the door, looking resplendent in the sunshine and with a thick carpet of fallen leaves.

Now excuse me while I hunt for my contacts or else start copying them from my iPad.

* Sorry Bruv!

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