Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Let's All "Love Outloud"

Okay, I'll just make my apologies now for doing another poster/montage blip. You wouldn't believe all the photos I captured today.

I went to "Home Depot" and took photos in the lamp department because I like light. While I was there concealing my cheapie camera so I wouldn't get escorted out, I snuck a photo of a whole row of lumber -- just naked wood. Breathe deep and you can detect the fragrance of raw timber. I went over to the carpet department and blipped a couple sample boards of carpet squares -- lots of textures and various colors. I even went -- are you ready for this -- to the toilet seat section. There must have been two dozen varieties of toilet seats, my gosh!! It did make an interesting photo (don't think I'll use it).

Next I went to the nearby fabric store, walked right to the section of beautiful red and pinks all lined up so neatly and when I was sure no one was looking I pulled my cheapie camera from my coat pocket and click, clicked. Then with an abundance of confidence I arranged several bolts of red heart designed yardage--fluffed the material and then out with my camera and click, click.

After that I stopped at the local Hallmark store, purchased a few Valentine greeting cards and snuck a couple quick blips, but then I noticed their large window poster "Love Outloud." Well that did it -- I just pointed my camera right up at it and even took the risk of playing with the little zoom button.

After that I walked next door to the supermarket where I had blipped the greeting cards the other day. I walked into their glassed-in refrigeratored floral room (right near the greeting card section), looked both ways and began clicking the beautiful faces of the roses and tulips. I could have stayed in that room for a long time. I love flowers.

So now you get to see mostly the fabric and the floral of my day. I mailed greeting cards to a couple of my grandkids -- they will get them Monday and I hope to send them a card a day all week. I love celebrating and I think the 14th of this month is worth celebrating for several days, so I have officially begun the celebration here at our place. Everyone is invited to join me in the celebration.

Then the bonus of our day happened when our good friends, Scott & Peg, stopped at our house on their way back home to Orange County from the wine country of Temecula (just south of our community). The four of us went out for a delicious Mexican dinner and had a great time.

My Saturday has been complete with fabric, floral, friends, and fotos! I hope yours has been terrific too! Good night from Southern California.

Rosie, aka Carol (& Mr. Fun)

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