It Started Down Under

By dirk

A Mixed Day

Today was a day of stories. I experienced so much today.

On one side there are the burning woods that have already caused at least 70 deaths and 700 of homes to burn down to the ground in Victoria (the state in Australia I am in right now). It's all over the news... Really disturbing, and the fires are still spreading because of the strong winds.

But the other side shows good news, today was a lot cooler than yesterday, it started off with a nice bit of rain. This would be my first day in Melbourne City.
Prepared with my travel guides I stepped on the tram to the city.

On this photo you can see Federation Square (arts centre with free museum exhibitions inside) and the skyline of Melbourne. Today I visited the museums, I also went to the Arts Centre of Melbourne of which I will show a picture later and to the Royal Gallery of Victoria. I saw some dutch works (Rembrandt) but also Asian work and Bauhaus and so much!

Then I had my lunch in a gigantic mall and walked over a bridge back to the trams to get to the Docklands. In the tram I met a group of teenagers with whom I had a fun afternoon at the Docklands. Eating a mixed icecream with Skittles at Cold Rock and looking out over the harbor.

A day on which I made more pictures than I can put online today. I will show them when I get home. Currently I'm just watching the news, special bulletins on the fires and disastres they caused.

But I'm fine and not in direct danger :) oh and: Melbourne is awesome!

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