Long Time No See!

The weather was fairly okay today, so I did what I'd been planning to do for some time and which I tried to do last Thursday -- I went to Rotterdam to scout the area of the 'new' building.  Every square meter of parking facility has to be paid for, so, conclusion, I am cheapest off returning to where I'd been parking the first half of the year, which is the Noorder Island.  I noticed that where there are shops there's paid parking, and in that area of the island in the Maas, there are apartments only, plus a garage, a cafe, a solicitor's office and a dental clinic.  I think it'll stay that way for a long time yet.

On the way back, thought I'd detour to where we used to live and try to take shots at the horse farm.  Thought for a moment that they were all at the back of the barns, but, luckily, about half a dozen were munching on their hay out front, including these two.  Afterwards, did some errands at 'my' former supermarket, then drove back home.

Later on, quite a hard time falling asleep despite the fact that I had to get up on time.  This should improve as the days go by.

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