We dropped into Settle station today to buy Settle-Carlisle calendars to post to a couple of our friends down South, and I saw a sign saying that the signal box was open to visitors today. What a hoot. The lovely men up there gave us a quick lesson and while G operated the signals as a fast train came down, I did the signals further down the line. We had to imagine the train; they weren't that daft! We had bells to ring to tell each other, as we were supposed to be two miles apart, whether the line was clear or the train had gone through our section. The brass gleamed, the paintwork was immaculate, and a lovely old stove kept the place toasty warm. It was great fun.

The photo might have been trying to give me a sign; it's worth looking in large. Above the towel, which could signal throwing in the towel, are two Stop signs on the shelf. There are three more Stop signs at the left hand end of the shelf.

It's hard to believe I have managed 1,000 blips. Now and then it's been difficult, especially of late with so much going on at work and home, but mostly I feel really bad about my lack of commenting. You kind people keep looking in even when I go silent for days on end, and that has helped to keep me going, and not just with the blipping.

So I don't think I will be throwing in the towel just yet, but I hope to soon become more a part of this community.

Thank you Blip Central for all you do to make this such a wonderful site. Thank you all who drop by, make me laugh, make me think, and show me such incredible images from around the world. I have met, online and now in person, some lovely people. It's been a great 1,000 days.

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