Found property

When L went to Glasgow on Sunday, she left her bags in a quieter carriage to sit in a busier one - don't ask me why! - but then the people in the quieter carriage were told to move to the other half of the train. This half then went to Glasgow, leaving the other carriages, empty but for L's bags, in Edinburgh. Not a pleasant situation in which to arrive at midnight on the eve of L's drama course, and investigating it was made more stressful by the lost properly - like the typo! - in Edinburgh being closed for a Bank Holiday yesterday.

Fortunately, as she discovered this morning, the bags were at the Waverley Lost Property, and I picked the up this evening.

Hence I secured this photo of the fine collection of cranes building the replacement for the St James Centre. Which will be the lucky one to lower the "golden turd" which will top the hotel planned for the middle of the development?!

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