It takes a little time...
So Nant moved into residential care at the weekend.
It’s a rather big beautiful sandstone house directly across the road from Royal Troon and on the corner from the Beach.
They have very relaxed visiting hours so I popped in on my way home from work ... I found her in the lounge watching ‘Pointless’ with several other residents.
I was able to walk in and settle myself in a chair beside her and say ‘so what we watching....’ Before she spotted me and laughed heartily when she realised I sneaked in.
I told her I was only in for a minute to
Check she was behaving - and she agreed but insisted on dragging me to her room for a viewing ...
She set off and was immediately hindered by an older chappie not quite as fast on his feet as she is; even with a zimmer... at every corner she tried to take him... and then at a bend on a slope she took off .... on the outside and skirted past him. I had to run to
Keep up.
She has a lovely room overlooking a garden with bird feeders and an apple tree heavy with apples. She has an en suite - and all her personal Knick knacks which makes her room look perfectly homely .
The care workers I spoke too were all lovely - I warned them of course than Nant is a force to be reckoned with - and to keep her away from the men!
This photo I snapped an hour later as we discussed the relative merits of what makes a good man!
Pah ha ha ha ha. And I left her with a wee chocolate supply and a promise of a game of scrabble later
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