Agathe Max

Unusual one this. Agathe Max at 81 Renshaw supporting Alexander Tucker. She plays violin, but has a pedal bank to rival many rock bands as she loops and echoes her themes, adds percussion and all manner of other sounds to create a quite beautiful musical landscape. Occasionally adding vocals as she puts her violin down for a pause and then picking up again to add pizzicato loops.

It was something quite special and mesmerising and before we knew it pretty much 45 minutes had passed in a single piece until, suddenly, she just pressed the off switch.

Had I known beforehand what this would be like, I'm not sure I'd have gone, but then that's all part of the journey. And I'm glad I did as I really loved it.

Check out the Bandcamp link above and you may just find something a bit different as you go about your day.

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