Storming the Castle

The boys were up at 5.45 so we are shattered - and we have had no time to replenish the gin supplies.

After breakfast, Mr C read the paper while I supervised Thomas and the holiday diary task for school. We are almost up-to-date. Nathaniel, who is not yet at school, kept telling him the letters he needed to use. (I was also engaged with the Nathaniel who was trying to write his name as he wants to be able to do it before he starts school next week).

Then the6 helped stack the dishwasher before hanging out the washing. They disappeared up to the woods - every day they go a bit further. They went as far as an old tyre they found on the way back from yesterday ‘s walk.

I made a packed lunch and we were at Warkworth Castle by 11.30 for the mediaeval knights show. What a con, £18 for us all to ge5bin for 15 minutes of Knights using swords and chopping through cabbages (brains). The boys loved it which I knew they would as Nathsniel is always bashing with his stick.

Unfortunately they made friends with some bigger boys who had been to the shop and got helmets and swords. So £44 later, well-equipped, they played all over the castle with a band of ‘knights’.

We came back as Mr C had a GP appointment, so the boys and I did an open air gym at the park in the next village, then it was the long drive home.

#2 daughter is struggling. The new roof is leaking and the plumbers are having a problem getting things going.

The blip,is a montage of the day of the knights!

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