Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

New Jewels

Quite relieved today when H's football match was cancelled due to a waterlogged pitch. So was she as I let her stay up late watching Children in Need, and she was tired. Girls Aloud she thought were wearing too much make up, and the skirts on their short orange dresses were too poofy? which was quite critical for someone in her pjs surrounded by cuddlies, uncombed hair and wearing spotty Pudsey ears.

Shopped for dog food today and she came home with a bracelet. It's not the real thing as she's only 9, and of course she chose a dog to go on it. What we were supposed to be looking for were 2 presents for her friend's birthdays. I was trying to get a photo of her wearing it but then Eddie had to give it the sniff test, and to be honest in the end I gave up.This is my one and only photo for the day.

In PE in her class yesterday, they were doing Egyptian dancing to fit in with their topic, and were allowed to choose the song they wanted to dance to....... Gangnam Style! That I would've loved to have seen!

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