Strange Day
Machine sensor down first thing this morning and finding a replacement took a bit of time.Box filler playing up because the compost is too course and had to go for a new bio caterpillar control because of resistance to the existing one.That was this morning.
Manchester this afternoon delivering.Sue in all day getting the V.A.T done.A rush around before heading up to see Em and Rick and meet the new cat Hetty who is lovely.Late drive home and a phone call from my Mum saying they have been broken into and Dad was up at our place having a look around.Phoned my friend John and met him at my parents house fixing the damage.A very late night.
Wet this morning.Dry and sunny this afternoon.
- 3
- 0
- Fujifilm X100S
- 1/60
- f/2.0
- 23mm
- 640
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