Hanging basket .....

..... Still going strong.
We decided to go out for a cuppa this afternoon, as usual more notices/ road dug up/ road closures all by my house yet again, it's never ending. However the rusty "road closed ahead " notice outside my garage is really badly placed and if you don't know it's there or have forgotten it reversing can be hazard ! This happen to "A" this pm, now this could have happened to anyone, but why do MOST men go on the defensive saying things like ---- I didn't do anything / what the H--- etc instead of saying oh dear sorry about that I'd forgotten it was there and couldn't see it through the rear view mirror!! Of course it had to be my car that took the knock. I can forgive most things 'cos they are not always done on purpose but I do get frustrated when folk won't admit they've done something. Often sorry is all that is needed. I just ignore these misdemeanours now , but a " sorry" would be so much quicker and easier. Anyway cars not too bad so it doesn't matter.
The weather has been kind again today , maybe we'll have another go at cutting the hedge tomorrow .
GP appointment this morning was ok , I'm still living so that's good .
Hope your evening will be good too blippers.

Grateful ...... my meds haven't had to be increased.

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