Keep or Delete

By sgall18


I worried all night about my Ildest Quail Snowy, she had been sitting on eggs just a few days ago but then left them. She was puffed up and eyes closed and not eating. I looked on Backyard Chickens web page and symptoms were of Coccisiodsis. Up early and went to the vet, sat and waited and watched as some sad cases were seen before me. After 40 mins I was given a small syringe of med costing only £1 then rushed back to give it to her. By late morning she had ventured outside into the run so I cleaned our Coup and drinking dome. Went in to Carmarthen for a couple of hours and fancied this patio set which was in the sale ( still thinking about it as it’ may be a bit too bigfor patio). First thing I did when I got back was go up to the Coup, Snowy still the same although her eyes were open . Made dinner and took up some boiled rice and potato and by 7 pm I saw her eat and drink, phew it’s a start. I know it’s only a Quail but she s the cleaverist , they all seem to look up to her. I just hope she s a lot better in the morning.

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