Capital adventures

By marchmont

Granny day

Another disturbed night - video call to a stressed out #2 son at Changi airport, which was followed by some not good news from cousin J.  What is it about men and their midlife crises?  So the Proms on R3 radio app are my new  middle of the night 'go to'.  Falling asleep to classical music seems more acceptable than the current mayhem of politics.

Despite all the middle of the night shenanigans I was up earlyish and did the 3rd coat of the protector on the furniture.  After some footering around  I took the kids out.  #1 d in l was working and #1 son going to meet a friend.

So me and the girls sallied forth.  First to Mortonhall Garden Centre (with a side trip home for my purse) to buy cards, go see the Highland cattle and have lunch.  Then on to Butterfly World.  More animals - chameleon, snakes being fed, millipede with 252 legs and a snake called Joanie.  It was all good fun and there was also chickens, fish and butterflies, and hibiscus. After that I popped in to Dobbies for 2 bags of bulbs and then home.

At tea Amelia discovered  she likes raspberries and after I did some work, a very small amount and resisted doing all the emails.

Been a good day and the girls were great. 

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