Day 'n' Night

J is making a Panettone this morning, today, tonight! She started at 11am this morning, it should finish cooking about 11:30 tonight! This is a trial run for Xmas, it's looking good!

Reminder for you all, tomorrow is Sub Sunday!

Something I wanted to write on yesterdays blip, but decided to leave until today after too many sherbets last night!

J & I have sat in the same seats at the Rugby for about 5 years and at half time yesterday G asked "Do you mind if I ask a personal question?" I knew what the question would be, as that sentence tends to be the leading question...
"Are you a couple?"
G & I had a really good chat then about relationships, sexuality & growing up.
You don't 'come out' once in your life, but many, many times as the people you know change and you go through it again, but what our conversation reminded me yesterday is, the hardest thing to do is acknowledge it and 'come out' to yourself. It's such a difficult thing to do, society does not make it easy, but I can say whoever you are, always be happy, be who you are and enjoy life.

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