SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

What a day

What a day. Horrid day.

Our adopted cat has a history of urinary problems, that we didn't know about at the time. After a day of him being poorly, I took him to vets first thing, injection and hoped for the best. Was told would have to come back in few hours if no better as could be fatal. Had to go back and the poor thing had all sorts done to him. Hundreds of £s later, he is home and dosed up to the eye balls.

I felt so emotional all day, quite alone and trying to make big decisions. A friend was able to drive me, mum called loads to make sure I was ok, aunt happened to call and felt very loved. So appreciate my loved ones. I know I can rely and lean on them.

Tried to comfort myself with films, but all made me cry in some way or another! Just one of those days.

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