What to choose.....!

So, another collage....

We needed to do some shorts shopping for D. Late, but hopefully not too late..... We chose Richmond, for a change and to be by the river when we'd had enough of shopping. We had SOME success.....

After a coffee we decided to walk along the river then noticed a boat trip was about due to leave, heading for Kew and then Westminster. 

It was excellent! SO good to see some familiar buildings from the other side... from the river; the MI 5 building and Harrods Depository being firsts for me.  The trip also took us past D's old haunts spanning his working years in several London boroughs. He gave a great running commentary! No room here to share all we saw.

We disembarked at Westminster Pier and took the tube to Victoria, then back home by train and bus. A very good day, and unbelievably the last in August!

My extra shows where it all began. 

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