Ci ddoe

Ci ddoe ~ yesterday's dog

Dyma lun llawn o gi ddoe.  Rhwng ddoe a heddiw mae ei drwyn e wedi diflannu - rydw i'n amau fandaliaeth.  Mae'n drueni cyflymu dinistr y cerflunwaith. Mae'n ddiddorol, fodd bynnag, fy mod i'n meddwl yn wahanol am ddinistr bwriad a dinistr naturiol. Weithiau rydw i'n groeso'r pydru ac erydu naturiol, ond dw i ddim yn hoffi fandaliaeth.

Y penwythnos hwn rydyn ni'n mynd i ymweld â ffrind sy'n byw ym Mryste.  Yfory hefyd yw’r pen-blwydd o fy Blip cyntaf yn 2011. Mae fy mhen-blwydd Blip go iawn.

Here's a full picture of yesterday's dog. Between yesterday and today its nose has disappeared - I suspect vandalism. It is a pity to hsten the destruction of the sculpture. It is interesting, however, that I think differently about the intentional destruction and natural destruction. Sometimes I welcome natural decay and erosion, but I don't like vandalism.

This weekend we're going to visit a friend who lives in Bristol. Tomorrow is also the anniversary of  my first Blip in 2011. My real Blip birthday.

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