
By Legacy

Tea Time

I went to a tea party today and took a few of these because I never miss a chance to cook something special, something that I wouldn't make often unless I wanted to be the size of a wing chair. Our little tea group of five has been getting together every couple of months for nearly 20 years. It's always been a chance for each of us to host an afternoon of special treats and have a nice visit.

This is a German Chocolate Bombe which actually took me nearly three days to make because it has to be done in stages and I had to fit it into my work week. The creamy looking stuff in the middle is coconut-pecan filling which is surrounded by chocolate mousse and it's sitting on top of a round of chocolate cake, glazed with chocolate and topped with a few roasted coconut chips. Basically they're little deconstructed german chocolate cakes and they turned out very nice. It's a good thing they're reasonably small because they are really, really rich. Tomorrow it's back to steamed fish and broccoli.

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