Sleepover guests

Our wee guests were great last night. All slept well!

We did not put Chloe in her pen . We left her in the utility room with Rosa and closed the baby gate. They were just fine and the photo of them above was taken this morning. I think they were still exhausted after all the fun yesterday.

Euan and Eve were up bright and early. Eve had pre ordered her scrambled eggs on toast so Grandpa served them up!

Euan and Eve set off to their swimming lessons . It was dreich here today and we waited and waited to see if the weather would improve. It did’nt!

Decided to check the Red Arrows transit times and they were due to pass over points in Lanarkshire this afternoon. Off we went armed with all the relevant information but we did not see them!!!!

Just heard on news flypast was cancelled!!

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