Late at night a big old house gets lonely

It was a funny kind of day today. 

I had a restless night, sore belly, and sore back, up and down to the loo. 

Eventually about six, I fell into a deep sleep.  Himself let me lay until 10. 

We got up, hung about a bit more, and then got our shopping.  Himself made some plum stuff.  Or started to make some plum stuff. 

About 4 we headed back to town for a walk.  The Air Show was on today.  We were deafened at work Thursday and Friday as things were arriving.   - but today, the clouds were low.  The sea faded into the sky. There was not a scrape of Bleu to be seen. 

Four planes in formation were flying round above but only 2 were visible at any one time. 

Heaven knows how the rest of the airshow went. - there was also a problem with the station - so people might not have been able to travel there. 
We had a bimble along the beach, peering into back gardens. to get ideas and to wonder.   Have to make plans for the lottery win don't i? 

WE finished our wander by heading to the allotment; the three corns which had been attacked, had been finished off - despite being in the bucket.   Lots of other folk had had corn attacked and finshed off too.   

What a waste - so much effort for them all to be eaten by a fat squirrel 

My picture today, is of the sea - and the sky.  And squashed right in the middle is a little bit of sunlight which made a magnificent effort to break through - right at the end of the air show. 

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