
By minniemouse1966

Mum and daughter day

Today I spent the day at Attingham Park with my youngest daughter H.it was a lovely sunny day and we had a nice walk around the park taking photos (she loves taking photos like me) we then sat outside in the courtyard for lunch making the most of the sunshine can't believe its September already. After lunch we went inside the hall it was fasinating to see how the house was used on the one side by the Berwick family and on the other as a college in later times I loved how they had laid the table in the kitchen and the also in the servants hall with plates on which was written the job, the person's name and what their job entailed. H.was fasinated by the toilets as they were set in the old stables and the doors were like stable doors. Had a lovely day to end my school holidays back to work Monday. Thanks H.

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