Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Free wheeling freedom!

As you know, I'm a big fan of the bike&go scheme where you can get a bike for the bargain price of £3.80 for the day...even if the bikes are less than perfect, you cannot go wrong!

Mum and I enjoyed a warm, and at times sunny, cycle from Shipley to Skipton, including a visit to the Keelham Farm shop branch based there. A really lovely adventure and a great way to spend the last day of the summer holidays. It's a training day tomorrow, so the real work begins as of Tuesday to be fair!!

It's been a summer filled with adventures of every kind, be they in the Shibden Valley on my lonesome, with Mum in Germany, Switzerland and Austria or with Dad in Italy. Life may not be perfect but I'll take my summer with a smile...and use it as a springboard to a positive academic year. Each weekend is a mini holiday, that's my motto for the year!! :-)

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