As old as you feel...
Oliver Wendell Holmes said: "Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing."
Here are my folks proving the point admirably. Dad will be 70 this summer, Mam 69 (don't tell anyone though - she's officially 61 forever).
My Mam is convinced she's losing her marbles. The other day she bought some daffodils, then couldn't find them when she got home. She found them last night in the salad drawer, doing a remarkably unconvincing impression of a bunch of spring onions. Hmmm, maybe she has a point!
The last picture is Mr B upside down on a sledge, showing how well he fits into my family.
And it's snowing again - so more of the same tomorrow!
Two final points:
1. Regarding yesterday: Smithski: almost anyone apart from me could have got the car out of there successfully. Some of the best drivers I know are women... Just not me.
2. My favourite age-related quote (sadly not attributed to anyone):
"Age isn't important unless you're a cheese."
Keep playing.
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