
By Alberta

My daughter in law and future grandchild!

I love processing photos but when I saw this one of my daughter in law I realised it needed hardly any processing at all. And that says it all really. S my DIL is such a lovely person - I did originally add a frame called Glow and that seemed appropriate too (I have taken that off now). So it was and still is a family day. We had breakfast out with my son and S this morning. It is probably the last time we will see them for 3 months and when we see them again I expect that they they will be three! They were going on to a hospital tour after seeing us and said that it was all becoming very real! And this evening my youngest step daughter L arrives for tonight and tomorrow. And she will return to Australia before we get back from India. So lots of au revoirs today and advance Christmas presents.

I think Ronnie is a bit better but is keeping to his bed in the boiler room. So a trip to the vet tomorrow. I do hope he is OK.

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