Wild about colour

Aren't these pencils just gorgeous?! I have a proper camera pic (this is on my phone), but my laptop has next to no space left on the hard drive...
Danny left first thing this morning...so it's been a day of just me and the kids. We had an arty afternoon making cards and gifts...and good news in the evening that the landlord is coming to collect the sofa tomorrow, so finally we can put that red one together!! It's still in a box along our bedroom wall!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny arriving safely in the UK. He'll be back Sunday night.
2) An afternoon of art with Asha... it's been too long since we did that.
3) Watching Nate grow and develop. He was so SO proud of himself tonight for spearing some food and feeding himself. He did very well...his joy was a joy to watch!

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