family fun

Littlest has been learning about Hundertwasser in school and I had promised to take her to show her some of his work, so we went and did that today, which coincided nicely with a chocolate festival there - cunning planning on my behalf.
On the way, we popped to see the Textile Museum in St Gallen, which was also very interesting. We now know lots about the history of the textile industry of the area. One of the things that amazed me most was that this area used to export printed cotton cloth to the Far East and to Africa - which says a lot about how incomes have changed in the last 150 years! I can't see anyone round here working for sweat-shop-level salaries anymore! These days, textiles made round here come in a different price category and get worn by a slightly different class of people....

(the photo idea came from Mr Spitzi)

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