Shrouds of the Somme....
Today, am feeling a bit better and had to go into town to get a sim card for my phone! As I was passing Belfast City Hall I saw a sign for an exhibition called 'Shrouds of the Somme'. It is artist called Rob Heard has created this exhibtion in memory of all the servicemen who died in the Battle of the Somme but have no known grave. As I was studying it, a man came and asked if I could take a photo for him with the exhibition in the background. He told me his grandfather and two of his uncles had gone to fight in this battle and one of his uncles never returned. He showed me his name on the list of war heroes. It made it all very real for me. In Belfast there are 3,775 of these minature shrouded figures - all different - the artist put a name to each one! These represent the men from Northern Ireland with no known graves
In November, all 72,396 minature shrouded figures will be displayed at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London to commemorate 100 years since the end of the first world war.
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