The Supper Club Files

By SupperGuru

Day Six - Hamburger Heaven

A Big thank you to Nic (Beachlander) for rescuing today's blip .... I ate my supper before i remembered to blip it!!!

Beachlander's Burger!

We have here a slightly modified version of the Jamie Oliver Burger from his Jamie's Dinners book. We didn't have any parmesan, so just bunged in some Edam, and just used some American mild mustard instead of the English mustard...have to have some colonial rebellion in there somehow! Gorgeous in season asparagus...gotta make the most of the short season, huh? Just a drizzle of butter for the arteries.

Recipe for the patties:
1kg good quality minced beef (I actually only use 500g and still get 6 good sized patties out of it when feeding 2 adults and 4 kids)
1 onion (finely chopped)
Olive oil
A pinch of cumin seeds
1 Tablespoon coriander seeds (for these 2 ingredients I just use powdered coriander and cumin, cos I'm lazy)
1 heaped teaspoon English Mustard
1 large free range egg
115g breadcrumbs

Big fry pan, slowly cook the onion in a little olive oil until softened but not coloured.
Add to the mince in a large bowl.
Add the cumin and coriander (which have been bashed with a mortar and pestle if you are being a purist) plus a pinch of salt and fresh ground black pepper and mix in to the meat/onion mix.
Add the Parmesan (or just cheese), mustard egg and half the breadcrumbs and mix well. If the mixture is too sticky, add a few more breadcrumbs.

Lay some greaseproof paper on a tray or large plate and sprinkle over some of the remaining breadcrumbs. Shape the meat into fat burgers and place these on top of the crumbs on the tray. Sprinkle some more crumbs on top and press down gently. The burgers are better if they are chilled before cooking, so put them in the fridge for an hour or so.

When putting your cooked burger together, as well as lettuce, tomato, sauce and mayo...try adding a good old kiwi favourite of a couple of slices of beetroot. Ka pai e hoa!

REMOVED = The Perfect Sausage in a Roll (put up in desperation - apologies to those who commented )

It has to be Richmond Sausages and most definely it ...


* I have a possible Supper Club guest to fill in this slot, but until I confirm I am allowing you to salivate over my gorgeous breakfast roll I had this morning!

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