Can't see the wood for the trees?
It's been a muddled up day, started out with optimistic plans of a long woodland walk but didn't quite make it further than the local park just before the sun vanished.
Generally feeling a real mixed bag of emotions. Some of these glorious human traits include frustration, sadness, remorse, grief, melancholy, resignation...
My colleague gave birth to a daughter today and I just cried with sadness - mine would have been due a week today. Although I have another on the way, and am truly happy it all went well for her, I'm also filled with a selfish sadness that it should have been me too about now. I can only hope that this little one sticks around and goes some way to filling the emotional void - if that's at all possible.
Anyhow from the few photos I took, the light at the end of this path was the most optimistic view from the day. I'm going to try hard to return to the camera from here on, too long I've let silly things in life take over those that matter to what makes me happy.
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