Holy water.

It was my turn to volunteer at Open Church today, and just before I left, and still without a blip, I noticed the pink watering can, someone had left on the alter. There was a wedding yesterday, and in the front pew, where the groom & best man sat. Kevin found that one of them had made a paper aeroplane, out of the order of service sheet, which we thought was highly amusing.  One of the visitors today, ( who's name  was Ronald,)    looked as if he could have done with a good wash,  but we had a very interesting chat. He had served in the  Norwegian   Merchant Navy,  during the war, and when I asked him why, he said, it was because he got paid more money, and didn't have to pay tax, which was a good enough reason.  I am glad that I didn't let his appearance stop me getting to know and maybe understand, such a nice polite man.  Another very enjoyable morning, and afterwards, I walked over to Aldi to meet J, and do a small shop.

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