
I woke when lees alarm went off at 3:30
I had to wake him up!
He left around 4am and I got back to sleep. Woke again to munchie moving about. Thought it was 6:50
So got up. Washed and dressed and chatted to munchie who had made herself a bed in the bath! Munchie commented on how dark it was.

Upon closer inspection realised it must have been 5;50!

We snuggled in bed, but wom was awake by this time. Tears when tinkers realised that daddy wasn’t home

School for both
Took wom to the farm today for lunch via popping into nursery to show Teresa him in his uniform. Lovely to catch up.

Picked Munchie up and home

More tears when they realised daddy wouldn’t be home tonight - then more tears when we couldn’t get face time to work!

Baths done
Must be mad, but said they can have sleepover.

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