Smoking Dragons

I slept quite well considering I was stuck to the sheets by Brufen gel on my back and unable to roll over due to a recovering frozen shoulder but got up early as I felt really, really stiff and busting for a wee wee!

I feel like I'm nearly 80 just now...... 

I then wrapped Samuel Squidgets Birthday pressies ready to post, went off to the farm to pick up my wages, met a friend for a Birthday Lunch and 3 hour natter, rushed to the post office only to find I can only post the Birthday Box on Monday for guaranteed delivery on Tuesday then tried to strip the car seat that was decorated with porridge yesterday and rapidly gave up and went for a lay down before Mr W came home with dinner.

Became stiffer and stiffer throughout the day and am ready to collapse on the sofa. The washing up can wait until tomorrow and I'm hoping the car seat buckles don't smash through the  washing machine window!!!

Here's a lovely little wooden Dragon with an incense stick under it I bought Squidget from Bath. 

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