Wheels up

As happy as a Dad can be knowing P has thrived on her difficult month-long solo field trip to South Africa and now is wheels up and homeward bound.

Meanwhile in Casentino hot sultry weather made me feel like I was wearing lead boots as we gathered in figs and marvelled at the new porcupine under-fencings.

The guy at the Agricola had some good ideas about stopping the beast and badgers. He reckons the wild ones - deer, boar, badger, porcupine- all increasing.

I bought 50kg lupin seeds as green manure for Campo Grande. The hill behind us is Monte Lupino so go figure.

Rain came fitfully late on. Didn’t really register. Saw hobbies out throwing shapes in the darkening sky after moths.

Cicadas gently if somewhat persistenty piping away. A distant tawny owl calling while lightening flickers in the great cloud formations to the east in Romagna and the Tiber Valley

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