
I had the pleasure and honour to not only attend the annual Baird of Bute Awards dinner tonight , organised and overseen as ever by the generous, untiring, visionary exiled Brandane, Chris Markwell, but also to make two presentations at it in my capacity as the local MSP as well as a Trustee .

The first presentation was to retiring Patron Lord Smith alongside retiring Trustee Scott Grier , whilst the second was to Professor Sheila Rowan , the Director of the Institute for Gravitational Research at Glasgow University as well as Chief Scientific Advisor to the Scottish Government. She was the 2018 recipient of the Innovation Award.

The annual Baird of Bute celebrations are now firmly focused on recognising existing Scottish excellence and encouraging young Scottish talent. Chris has done a remarkable job in making it all happen - whilst at the same time rescuing the memory of a remarkable Scottish pioneer.

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