
By Madchickenwoman

Head In The Clouds?

So behind with my blips I'm scratching my head trying to remember what I did today! I know I was on the allotment as it was my hen open duty, and I know I picked beans and tomatoes and some flowers! This blip is a sunflower that self seeded in one of the brassicas in my garden before they got taken up to the plot. It grew so tall I had to make a hole in the netting to release it! I think I must have done more tidying in preparation  for France Dwellers arrival tomorrow! 
Come thursday the tidying continued and I didn't actually take any photos! I looked around for an EB but unless my eye is naturally caught by something I find it impossible to just photograph something! But I can tell you I cleaned all the floors downstairs, hoovered and dusted everywhere, changed the bedlinen on France Dwellers bed and did  2 loads of washing,  sorted thru all my shoes, of which I could rival Imelda Marcos, did my ironing and generally had a frenzy of activity! I just finished  early evening when French Dweller arrived! She was exhausted having driven from Cambridge, before that Aberdeen having dropped her sons at university, and before that France! I think she deserved the bottle of red wine I opened! She is vehemently against me changing her name to Wine Drinker now she is living in England again, she also dislikes the name Lush, so I will have to wait till a new name comes to me! I have just read this out to her and she is stipulating any new name has to be agreed on by her! Ha!
After I had done the hens bedtime we had fun going through all the clothes, bedlinen and shoes I had collected that I thought might be of interest to her - she took everything except a couple of tops, a skirt and a jacket! Result! 
We now have just over 2 weeks together, and the collection of Oscar just off the M25 on the 19th before she goes back to France to pick up another of the dogs and take it to the buyer in Hamburg!!! We could have done this together as a Thelma and Louise style road trip but since I will have Oscar and have no passport and would need to find not only hen cover but cat feeders it was a non starter! 
This blip has taken me an age to write as she keeps talking to me and I've had a glass of Amarula which has gone straight to my head! I will get round to blipping Friday at some point but it's not happening today! 

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