
By Fido

I'm back!

After a two week blip absence, I'm back. I'm not entirely sure of why I haven't managed to blip for a past wee while, although I would hazard a guess at it being some combination of losing my camera (found it yesterday at the back of the boot of the car, unpacked from our return from holiday), deleting the blipfoto app from my phone (for an explainable reason) and then being unable to re-load it from the appstore because apparently I don't have the correct software or something, finally working out how to get a good decent steady fire going on the stove and my related inability to move from the sofa in the evening.

Anyway - I am back into it now and have back blipped from our trip to Dundee from about here and am all ready for tomorrow! Hope to catch up with your journals and all I have missed then too.

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