
This wee chap was clinging to the sunflowers that I have sitting at my front door. At this time in the morning, they would usually get the sun, but not today as it is overcast  with the occasional drizzle.

Maple update: We tried him out in the big run with one pf the tunnels to the other part of the run open and ....... he made it through the tunnel without stopping!!! Such am improvement - ten days ago we didn't think he;s ever be stable enough to get through a tunnel ever again.
So now the problem is his fur - he is still pulling it out. Hopefully this too might settle, otherwise we will be left with a hairless rabbit. It can be a sign of stress and he has had a lot to be stressed about with his condition and with the manhandling he gets every day with his meds etc, but he seems otherwise happy now, doing normal bunny things. 

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