
So, there I was in the garage chatting away to Jack.

After Jack died, Joe wanted Jack’s computer chair and we also kept his bike. But today I decided that the local charity folk would actually use them and so, after double checking with Mrs S and Joe, I started to load the car up.

I put Jack’s old chair in the back of the car and then lifted his old bike onto the bike rack.

Then I went back into the garage to get the small metal filing cabinet that Mrs S and her sister had cleared out after Alice died. I heard Jack in the back of my head telling me to just give it a last check before taking it to the recycling centre, just in case.

So I did. And stuck at the bottom, underneath all the empty folders, was Jack’s old adoption papers from when his Grandmother and Grandfather adopted him when he was a bairn.

Given the fact I’d been having a one sided conversation with him up to that point it was a bit spooky.

Earlier I’d spent the morning trying to bash a presentation together. After the charity and recycling and the spooky stuff, I made a broccoli and carrot soup while Eve made cookies.

Then I took the dogs for a long walk along the riverbank and picked Ruby up from the bus stop.

Sofa time now.

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