Not every day

By ppatrick

Comrades in arms

This afternoon we went to a hustings in Carmarthen for the Plaid Cymru leadership election. Every two years there is a window in which any Assembly Member can stand as party leader, and if there is a challenge then an election is held (OMOV, with preferences). This year two AMs, Adam Price and Rhun ap Iorwerth, have put themselves up against Leanne Wood, leader since 2012, both claiming that they can take the party forward more effectively (although Leanne has a higher public profile than any Plaid leader for some time). 

Carmarthen is Adam's home ground, but Leanne made her case with clarity and passion and was very well received. At the end of the meeting I was privileged to eavesdrop on a conversation between Leanne and Adam's mother, who wanted to be sure that Adam and Leanne would remain friends after the election, whatever the result. Knowing them both, I'm sure they will.

Yes, I know they look like kangaroos boxing, but that's the photographer's fault.

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