
By TusCat

The alarm clock went off earlier than expected, but I was out of bed in no time, very eager to start a new day! I got dressed, prepared my bag, checked the time... 5:45.... time to go! Crept downstairs, sure I would meet LD_Chamois in the lounge, but he wasn’t there. Had I made a mistake? I checked the time... 5:46... we had said 5:45, hadn’t we? I thought I’d give him five more minutes... after all he was really tired yesterday evening! 5:50... no, definitely the house is very quiet... I think he’s still asleep.... hmmmm.... 5:55.... I can see some light already.... 6:00..... BANG BANG BANG!!! CHAMOIS! What are you doing still in bed? Hadn’t we said 5:45?” - “Coming....” was the sleepy answer! :-)

We were lucky to get to the secret location I had chosen in time for a magnificent sunrise! The first extra was taken in the same location!

After breakfast, we headed to another secret location to see a vineyard or two! LD_Chamois needed to see it! Not so long ago, while at LPH, he had pointed to some bushes and told me that that view was what he thought Tuscany was like..... I had never been so insulted in my life! ;-)

Another adventure has finished..... but I’m sure another one is awaiting to start.... or to continue......

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