What shall we do today?

This was a chat at 8:00.
8:05 looking at blip- saw babydays had been to the zoo yesterday - shall we go today?
We arrived at 10:15!

Such fun
Each time we visit we see different parts and explore more places. It was so quiet when we arrived, great chance to see the lions as they were having breakfast. Also did loraket feeding which we’ve never done before as well as letting the children play in the water area. We’d taken dry clothes.

Had to use my teacher voice (and it failed) to tell a nasty little boy off who was being horribly mean and unkind to wom at the top of the sand tower. Prior to getting into the sand area he’d already thrown his shoes at us, then he managed to hurt me by swinging the metal chains violently whilst trying to snatch it out of Woms hands and then was pushing wom away - whilst up the tower. Wom was inconsolable / understandably. Anyhow / onwards and upwards.

Lunch at the usual place - Lee was slightly perturbed about early lunch until he saw the queue outside and realised why!

Too many highlights to list but we do have another panda living with us so lots of pandas at the zoo role play once home.

Reality beckons tomorrow

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