
By BikerJim

~Magnificent Splendor~

~Love Devotion Surrender~

Does it look like I'm kind of doing a lot of sunsets lately?
You bet! I get a great deal of satisfaction from shooting them.
To capture the essence of the sunset, the quintessential image.
The heart of the sunset, reality of that moment, that's my goal.
If I didn't have a camera my eyes would be wide, my jaw slack.

I'm at such peace up on Sunset Ridge, alone, just me and this.
On the hill over looking the Tortalita Valley, arid and yet alive.
With Wild Burro Peak being the major distant prominence.
My mind and my muse, surrounded by God's Love, completely.
Why would I want to be anywhere else, I am so happy here.

I came home with 100 clicks in my camera of this display.
The selection process is not easy, in fact it's damn hard.
This one, no that one, well maybe this other one, gosh darn it.
Finding the one, the only image that speaks to my heart.
My goal in the culling is to discovery the soul of the sunset.

Then on to working the image, to bring out what I felt and saw.
Trying not to cross over the line of acceptability and convention.
To enhance what is already there, to pull it out of the image.
Color, clarity, composition, textures, shapes, tones and hues.
These are a few of my considerations that complete the image.

Embrace it, love it, treat it like a child learning to survive alone.
I must know when to let it go, to cut the ties that bind it to me.
I might give it words, only to give it a stronger foundation.
That is the part of being a parent that's the hardest to give up.
You know the image is strong, still your there to help it alone.

Thanks for reading and looking, TucsonJim ;o)

A Love Supreme

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