The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Today I have mostly been reading...

I made gf pancakes with dove's farm and buckwheat flour, with almond milk, then served up with berries and mascarpone. Every inch delicious! But no photos.

A customer came round to collect some cards and was impressed by my card shop. Hurrah!

Then Steve went to Gloucester and I started my day of reading. Apart from having lunch and photocopying my father's death certificate, I haven't done anything else.

I'd recommend both. The Song Collector is a romance spanning decades, and a passion for music and songs, as well as the story of a Jewish singer, and the changing fortunes of a country house in Dorset. I want to read more by the same author.

Dead babies and seaside towns is by a Stroud-based author, Alice Jolly. I'd heard her read before, and talk about the pain of experiencing stillbirth. This book is filled with grief and disappointment, and yet I can't stop reading. I"m a third of the way through already. I've never experienced pregnancy, IVF, miscarriage or stillbirth, but I am a woman, born of woman. I can't fail to be moved.

And now it's time to watch Fake or Fortune?
Tidying? What tidying?

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