Footprints in the Sand

By JustKeepSwimmin

A Day Filled with Busyness

Okay first off let me explain the title. So you know when you have a busy day you could say it was a day filled with busyness and you know a homonym for busyness is business...and I'm a business major! I actually laughed out loud when I thought of it...anyways!

Today was quite a busy day. First was church at the lovely Knox (I kind of fell asleep during the service but the Sunday school was awesome as always!), then ballroom practice (with a partner who was late to her own dorm!!), then super smash/halo/call of duty/mojo with a friend (who happened to have a very very difficult time moving two thumbsticks in unison), then worship team meeting (learned a ton!), and finally ultimate at Dennison (I lovee ultimate!!!). Finally to end the day full of busyness I did some business homework.

Oh and as always I forgot to take a picture so this is a picture from yesterday of a car me and a friend walked by when we came back from celebrasia...we thought it was pretty funny.

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